Scouts BSA Summer Camp Registration Pages

To Learn More About Our Sub-camps

To learn more about what a sub-camp is, what each sub-camp offers, and which one would be the best fit for your unit, head to the links below:

Many Point's Sub-Camps Page   Tomahawk's Sub-Camps Page

to Access Your Registration

  1. Find the proper year and sub-camp from the lists below and click on it
  2. Click on the "Lookup" dropdown in the upper-right hand corner
  3. Put in the registration contact's email address and your registration number
    1. If you do not know either of these two things, please email us at the contact below
  4. Click the blue "View Registration" button

To Make a New Reservation

  1. To register for 2025:
    1. Head to the link for the sub-camp you wish to stay in from the list below
    2. Click on the green "Register" button next to the week you wish to camp
    3. Follow along the steps the system provides from there

2025 Registration Links

Many Point

Buckskin   Ten Chiefs   Voyageur


Chippewa   Sioux   White Pine

Contact us

Tomahawk Scout Reservation

Scouts BSA Summer Camp Registration Pages